Kengo Yoshida

  • portfolio
  • Art
  • Passion
  • Energy
  • Painter

My name is Kengo Yoshida,
I’m a Japanese painter.




Kengo Yoshida is an artist who boldly overturns traditional Japanese concepts of art, while at the same time skillfully extracting the value to be gained from its historical context to create a unique world of art. In 2024, he won the Saibido Prize at the 119th Pacific Art Exhibition, and this led to him being nominated by art organizations. In addition, through winning the Yamamoto Bunbodo Prize, he has had a number of exhibitions at leading art institutions in Japan, including the National Art Center, Tokyo and the Fukuoka City Art Museum, and he is now highly regarded on the international art scene. Furthermore, he won the Distinguished Service Award at an international competition held at the Pinakothek in Germany, which also attracted the attention of overseas gallerists and collectors.

What makes Kengo Yoshida’s work so appealing is the way he respects the dignity and formality that Japanese art has passed down through the generations, while at the same time actively seeking to transcend the existing framework. Another of his major characteristics is that he is involved in a diverse range of activities that cut across genres, including game design, CD jackets, and production assistance for overseas fashion models, and he develops innovative expressions that go beyond traditional imagery. The intense passion and energy that colors his canvases has a dynamism that draws the viewer in, and the impact and fresh perspective of his style leaves a deep impression on many viewers.

These elements come together to create a unique value in the art world, both in Japan and abroad. His attitude of opening up new possibilities for art while crossing the boundaries between tradition and innovation is sure to be recognized as one of the important experiments in the contemporary art scene. We look forward to seeing how the works that Kengo Yoshida creates will continue to generate new cultural dialogues in the future.

Latest News

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